View Full Version : How to read EDC15 eeprom with CH430 cable

25th December, 2023, 08:28 PM
I am trying to read EEPROM on my EDC15 skoda octavia (intermittent immo no start / shutoff after some 2 sec). I only have "blue cheap" cable currently, I installed some CH341 drivers I found on this forum.

Tried a lot of software,

1. VAG eeprom programmer cannot read anything, says ECU not found or Rx timeout
2. VAG K+CAN commander 2.5 is not able to connect just times out... setting is on K-Line communication and ports are set up properly in ini file
3. https://github.com/gmenounos/kw1281test can ReadIdent and DumpEdc15Eeprom but the data is garbage

I need to immo off so it doesn't leave me stranded ever again. I studied a lot, I think I can handle the eeprom patching, I just can't read it :(

Is it possible at all with my cable? OS is Windows 7 in VirtualBox (I can handle that part without issues, incl. usb filters and other stuff). Host OS is linux but it doesn't matter as the cable communicates but nothing at all works with it. So I don't suspect the problem is in the "virtual machine" mode of running (I don't have any other laptop, just my primary one).

Thank you very much for any further info, it is greatly appreciated.

25th December, 2023, 09:50 PM
Try it with this SW. It is on KKL cable.

26th December, 2023, 09:05 AM
hi so as to read eeprom on this ecu you must get out ecu of the car, open it for boot mode and make connection for bench mode then you should able make a reading of this ecu

26th December, 2023, 12:56 PM

thank you all for your help :) I did a clean install of windows 7 now that I know precisely what I want to install and do, and the result is, ONLY kw1281test is able to read the eeprom. The data is not garbage, it looks proper, contains VIN and login and such. I was able to perform immo OFF on the file using edc15 calc.

Now I have a problem I don't have a tool to WRITE the eeprom back.

Every tool, including VAG eeprom programmer, including VAG commander, also the version posted by @vestern6089 does not communicate using my CH340 cable AT ALL.

All I get is Rx timeout from VAG eeprom programmer, timeouts from VAG commander, VAG EEPROM TOOL also timeout.

I don't know why this is the case, the cable clearly works, as kw1281test IS able to read the eeprom using my cable through OBD port under the steering whl.

Sadly, kw1281test currently doesn't have the option to write the EDC15 eeprom back.

How can I write the eeprom, what could be the issue of no communication using any other program? I really would like to update the eeprom using the OBD port, I don't have any eeprom programmers, and I would like to keep the ECU intact from hardware point of view.

Thank you very much for any suggestions

26th December, 2023, 01:51 PM

I've done some more debugging / digging, my friend has a BMW INPA (K+DCAN) cable with FTDI chip. So I borrowed it, installed VCP drivers from FTDI directly, and my findings are as follows:

1. VAG eeprom programmer can't read the eeprom (Rx timeout) in both switch positions on the cable
2. VAG eeprom programmer now magically can read engine fault codes in both switch positions (it can't do so with CH340 cable)
3. VAG commander still doesn't work at all
4. kw1281test is now NOT able to dump the eeprom using this cable (is able to ReadIdent though) in both switch positions (both switch positions give a different error when trying to dump the eeprom)

So, 2 cables, 2 chips, very very mixed results. Both cables work as multiple programs can at least partially work with them.

What am I missing? Why can't I get VAG eeprom programmer working? Also why the inconsistent behaviors? Shouldn't the cables be wired identically (OBD kkl pin wise), and just differ in the chip that does the serial communication?

26th December, 2023, 06:24 PM
What year of manufacture is the car, what unit is there. Write the exact identification of the unit.

26th December, 2023, 08:28 PM
It's manufactured mid-2001, exact details are: (from kw1281test)

Protocol is KW 1281 (8N1)
ECU: 038906012H 1,9l R4 EDC 0000SG 3332
Software Coding 00002, Workshop Code: 31480
Sending ReadIdent block
Ident: TMBCG41UX22558883 SKZ7Z0A1047529
Sending EndCommunication block

Thank you :)

26th December, 2023, 08:49 PM
You are making a mistake somewhere, because the software I sent you must work at 100%. Or you don't have it set to K line.
Alternatively, your unit is defective.

27th December, 2023, 08:25 AM

I am sending a couple of screenshots from the virtual machine session. Read eeprom operation always times out. Resetting the ignition does not help. Does everything seem correct, or do I need to set anything else?

In tester.ini, KWP2000 protocol produces the same results. Running VAG commander as administrator also does not help.

Thank you very much

27th December, 2023, 08:25 AM
More screenshots

27th December, 2023, 10:01 AM
I noticed one thing. At first I wanted to record a video of the VM session, it hogged the cpu and then even kw1281test was working flaky (timing out and such). Timing on the serial port seems to be super inportant to keep precise.

I reduced ram on the VM and instead of 2 cores I gave it one, also I've set windows power profile to "maximum performance".

Will try again, and if it still doesn't work, I will borrow another laptop from someone with real windows installation and try it that way.

This assumes all other settings are correct, which I hope they are.

Thank you a lot! :)

1st January, 2024, 08:37 PM
I can sadly confirm it does not work on a real windows 10 installation as well, same behavior as in virtual windows 7.

Pictures of cable attached. I am waiting for k+can software + cable bundle from ebay, in the meantime, if anyone has any suggestions, they are much appreciated.