View Full Version : Manual for Cluster power-up for workbench

5th July, 2010, 01:30 AM
Hey people, in order to power up all different instrument clusters at the bench. is there a Manual for Cluster power-ups etc or if someone would be kind enough to share some info. it would be a great asset. Many thanks in advance:smokin:

5th July, 2010, 02:02 AM
there isnt such manual 2 my knowledge
but if you ever get a cluster your stuck with, never hurts 2 ask there mite be sum1 that mite hav the pinouts for it

5th July, 2010, 02:55 AM
Cheers bro, i tell you what it would be nice to have someone working at BBA Reman or cluster repairs uk using this forum if you know what i mean if anyone they should have pinouts for most clusters. it was just a thought . :smokin:

5th July, 2010, 03:26 AM
i know what you mean but its really complicating
also most new clusters require a can signal 2 work
so its only the old 1s your gna be able 2 do it with