View Full Version : avensis 1999 immo

1st February, 2011, 10:09 PM
hi i have problem with this immobilised avensis it start but dies after a second

engine ecu is Denso 89661-05431

this car has white box around ignition switch so i think key data is in engine ecu 93c56
, i have read and attached

key data is

7E5ABF9220000000 006ED57E0000 4C TRANSPONDER

can anyone add key back in or virgin file to reprogramme keys

2nd February, 2011, 09:59 AM
bump is there anyone who knows this

2nd February, 2011, 10:52 AM
Dump posted here from the 93C56 memory is that of synchro b/w immobox and engine ECU.
Key data is instead store in the white box you are mentioning to be located at the ignition switch.You will find in the box the memory device Motorola 68HC05E6 28 pins SMD.
Use a suitable programmer, upload the immo dump from it and post it here, they are able members of this forum that can help you

Good luck

2nd February, 2011, 01:17 PM
in unit around ignition barrel it does not have 68HC05E6

it has chip with 20 pins

2nd February, 2011, 01:24 PM
i have the same problem!

2nd February, 2011, 06:07 PM
in unit around ignition barrel i have 2E78C which i can find as MC68HC05J1A is there any point in me trying to read this

also i have no engine manigment light and immo light is not working

2nd February, 2011, 06:36 PM
"in unit around ignition barrel i have 2E78C which i can find as MC68HC05J1A is there any point in me trying to read this

also i have no engine manigment light and immo light is not working"

If your car is 1999 up to 2000 TOYOTA AVENSIS, then the immobox is at the ignition switch.(earlier model use the 4C transponder chip with data such as the one you have posted here and the later 2000 has 4D 60 transponder chip) find attached what you should look for.In the square red is the motorola i am talking off.

If you could not see this,

then i quite remember i also work on one Avensis with the key data in Engine ECU DENSO Make memory device exactly the 93C56.Should that be the case, it means you have to read once more the 93C56 this time around by shorting the terminal of the Quartz resonator near the CPU if you are reading in circuit or remove the eeprom and read it out circuit.

Once more good luck

2nd February, 2011, 06:54 PM
i think this car must have seperate immo box i have found a photo with someone selling a set which is immo box is it 1 or 2


2nd February, 2011, 07:20 PM
If Car has immobox then the information you have given about the year is wrong and the car then should be 2003 up to date car

28th July, 2015, 10:22 PM
i think this car must have seperate immo box i have found a photo with someone selling a set which is immo box is it 1 or 2


Hello....did u find Any solution for this car ???
Thanks in advance....

25th November, 2018, 03:05 PM
Chance the ignition box around the ignition is detective find another one replace and that's it