View Full Version : Need immo off for this ecu

7th February, 2011, 10:16 PM
Hello mates i need immo off for this car.
Its a renault megane year 96/97.
siemens ecu wtih motorolla mcu (mask 4e28b)
on the casing there is s111730108 and HOM 7700864451.

Can some one help me.

Regards Honingkoning.

7th February, 2011, 11:20 PM
Fenix3 ecu. Cut pin 25 (as i remember):

7th February, 2011, 11:31 PM
This car will need immo emulator after virginizing ECU.

Only Clio, Laguna etc will run without

7th February, 2011, 11:51 PM
are you positive with the emu on this one ?
as renault tool can decode these and no mention of emulator
also in tinysweeper no reference to emulator either ?

can anyone confirm is needed ?

8th February, 2011, 12:21 AM
I think you are thinking of Megane 1.6 etc with Sirius 32 ECU

8th February, 2011, 12:43 AM
nope ......fenix 5 and 3 are listed in the renault tool with renault tool i have had no success with sirius 32 or 32n with this tool..............................off from eeprom only
but the fenix 3 is listed here with no mention of emulator ?
i havnt done one but if i ever came accross one it would help if this were confirmed

8th February, 2011, 12:58 AM
nope ......fenix 5 and 3 are listed in the renault tool with renault tool i have had no success with sirius 32 or 32n off from eeprom only
but the fenix 3 is listed here with no mention of emulator ?

Many of them list them as being able to put back to new condition and do not say they will run without immo. Fenix 3 can be done on most but NOT 1.4 petrol.

Try and see, post result

8th February, 2011, 01:03 AM
I think it is an error to post this doc on an open forum!

8th February, 2011, 01:09 AM
and why is it that anyone can purchase this tool via the seller ?
its already posted on dk ? http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f175/renault-ecu-decoder-connections-79706/
i did read the immo for fenix and i did read the red writing thanking you

but in all just clarifying what the renault tool can or cant do to be honest
this info is in the public domain anyway ?