View Full Version : Does anyone know who is the Original super Tacho cloner or manufacturer please

17th February, 2011, 06:12 PM
Just a quick revisit about the super Tacho 2009 (Dashcoder)

I'm sure there is some working units out there and would love to get my hands on a working one.

I'm talking about the Dashcoder copy and not the Tacho universal.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated

Many thanks in advance

17th February, 2011, 06:21 PM
there is no working dashcoder clone yet. only the bad chinese one

17th February, 2011, 06:23 PM
***2309;***2327;***2352; ***2310;***2346; ***2361;***2350;***2375;***2306; ***2324;***2352; ***2344;***2319; ***2348;***2340;***2366; ***2346;***2366;***2340;***2375;

17th February, 2011, 06:52 PM
Stay out of my posts Please! and crawl back under the rock you crawled out of.

as quoted in your profile LOCATION "land of Rocks" how appropriate !!!!

Now youve been warned by me and hopefully by the ADMINISTRATOR the rest is down to you !!!

17th February, 2011, 07:11 PM
Stay out of my posts Please! and crawl back under the rock you crawled out of.

as quoted in your profile LOCATION "land of Rocks" how appropriate !!!!

Now youve been warned by me and hopefully by the ADMINISTRATOR the rest is down to you !!!
You cant ask me that. We have here all the same rights. So I will post all what I want here on my own. Better let you all ofenses down and crawl back where you belong in a place where all have the same knowledge as you.

17th February, 2011, 07:20 PM
Please people, do not fight

17th February, 2011, 07:21 PM
Meaty you can start the bets.

17th February, 2011, 07:41 PM
one for Tachonow.

1...This dog, is dog, a dog, good dog, way dog, to dog, keep dog, an dog, idiot dog, busy dog, for dog, 20 dog, seconds dog!

Now read without the word dog.

2... A fellow was about to enter a bar when a dog tugged at his trouser leg and said to him, "Hey, pal! Wanna make some quick money?"

The man couldn't believe his ears. He said to the dog, "Can you talk?"

"Yeah," the dog answered, "and that's how we can pick up some easy money. You take me into the bar with you, pretend I'm your dog, and bet everybody I can talk."

The fellow thought that was a great idea, so he took the dog into the bar, set it on the bar, and announced to everyone that the dog could talk. The other patrons didn't believe him, and it wasn't long before several thousand dollars had been bet. Finally, after all the bets had been placed, the guy said to the dog, "All right, go ahead and say something."


He told the dog again, "Hey! All the bets are placed! Say something, for God's sake!"

The dog just looked at him and whined.

He, asked again and again, but the dog wouldn't say a word. Finally, the fellow had to pay all the bets, scooped up the dog in disgust and walked out. Once outside, he screamed at the dog, "You just cost me way over a thousand dollars! You got anything to say before I seriously boot your mangy arse?"

"Take it easy, pal! You ain't thinkin'," the dog answered. "Tomorrow night, we'll be able to get odds of fives or better."

It may take him a while so, can we get back to the original topic please!!!

Thanks people

17th February, 2011, 11:50 PM
OK .. definitive post .. cut it out .. That goes for everyone ... or there will be more than posts being closed