View Full Version : Peugeot 807 2.2 hdi edc15c2 immo off required

2nd April, 2011, 12:17 PM
Hi All,

I have Peugeot 807 2.2hdi with bosch edc15c2 0_281_010_886 ecu, 3 plugs version which I need immo removing from.

I reprogrammed the replacement ecu with the original pin code to test and this worked and the vehicle started ok, then I tried to program immo free (used immo killer V1.10) and the vehicle wouldn't start? is there anything more I need to do or is there a better software available to program immo free in this ecu??

Attached are original that started the vehicle and immo free that did not start.

Any advice is greatly appreciated,

Many Thanks

2nd April, 2011, 10:32 PM

I've just compared your dumps and the immo off file looks fine. Im not a 100% sure about the 807...maybe the flash (29f400) need programming too. If the vehicle starts ....why do you need immo off??


After re-reading your post I think I know where you've gone wrong.I think that you have loaded the 5p08 dump from the old ecu into the replacement ecu and then tried removing the immo - this will not work. Now assuming you have saved original 5p08 dump from replacement ecu you should put this dump back into the ecu. Now use killer to remove immo and the vehicle should start.

Let us know how u get on.

2nd April, 2011, 10:41 PM
Hi All,

I have Peugeot 807 2.2hdi with bosch edc15c2 0_281_010_886 ecu, 3 plugs version which I need immo removing from.

I reprogrammed the replacement ecu with the original pin code to test and this worked and the vehicle started ok, then I tried to program immo free (used immo killer V1.10) and the vehicle wouldn't start? is there anything more I need to do or is there a better software available to program immo free in this ecu??

Attached are original that started the vehicle and immo free that did not start.

Any advice is greatly appreciated,

Many Thanks


2nd April, 2011, 10:48 PM

This dump is the same as the OP's !

2nd April, 2011, 11:01 PM
This dump is the same as the OP's !

Does it work ???

PIN calculated: 7C0T

3rd April, 2011, 07:50 AM
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the response,

The reason I need immo free is because the ecu is for another/different 807, I was wanting to test the ecu on the 807 I have here, so I can later take the ecu to a vehicle that I have purchased with an immobiliser fault in order to drive it back home.

The "orig dump" is the original from the replacement ecu, I will try again later today and let you know,

Many Thanks.

3rd April, 2011, 10:39 AM
Hi Again,

I have run the original dump from the replacement ecu through immo killer V1.10.

I fitted the ecu to the vehicle but it's still not starting, Below are 2 dumps, firstly is the dump that I removed immo from before I fitted the ecu to the vehicle and secondly the dump I read from the eep after I removed it from the vehicle. there are clearly some changes in there which were caused by fitting it to the vehicle.

The replacement ecu was from a citroen C5 2.2 hdi and I'm fitting it to a Peugeot 807 2.2 hdi, like I said earlier if I put the 4 pin transponder code in the c5 ecu from the original 807 ecu it runs, so with that I thought it should also run with the immo removed??

Anyone have any idea's on this???

do I need to cut data wires or should this not be required?, if so what are the pin numbers of the wires??

Many Thanks for taking the time to read this problem,