View Full Version : ad900

5th October, 2011, 09:04 PM
hi guys, Ive just seen this on a ting tong website and just curious to what it really means, for renault id46 unlock? what does it unlock exactly? And why only renault? As other makes use id46 too.

Can write and unlock for the special transponders:
1) Change the pincode for Kia and Hyundai.
2) Unlock the ID 48 Transponder, ID 33 for Renault, ID 46 for Renault, ID 41 for Nissan and ID 42 for VW.

Many thanks for any input, ninja

7th October, 2011, 10:14 PM
Don't just stand there like a pile of dawg shit.

do what the sugar babes would do, and push the 'ask seller a question'

Slightly confused, as just about to open a beer, see if you can get a screen shot of the device working

8th October, 2011, 07:43 AM
we talking about a ting tong website now mate, can only imagine reply:-

hewow, work wery wery gud with all flying carpet, 4 decade w'tee and wery wery gud support!!


8th October, 2011, 10:40 AM
hewow, work wery wery gud with all flying carpet, 4 decade w'tee and wery wery gud support!!


Well if it includes a travel rug then get it.

Susspose, you could do what everybody elses does.

Make up a new account, with somebody elses address.

then email the company and say something like
"i have just brought one of these, from yourselves three weeks ago and the instuctions were not in the box - i love you long time"

then cross your fingers.

If you need somebody elses name and address to use try this
the bloke is on 'vacation' for 6 years or so.

Mr Knob-Jockey
4653H Fish City Road South East

Sorry no idea of his post code, you will have to look it up or leave blank

8th October, 2011, 10:59 AM
oh ok then, ill come clean, ive done that before aswell:aetsch:

Well if it includes a travel rug then get it.

Susspose, you could do what everybody elses does.

Make up a new account, with somebody elses address.

then email the company and say something like
"i have just brought one of these, from yourselves three weeks ago and the instuctions were not in the box - i love you long time"

then cross your fingers.

If you need somebody elses name and address to use try this
the bloke is on 'vacation' for 6 years or so.

Mr Knob-Jockey
4653H Fish City Road South East

Sorry no idea of his post code, you will have to look it up or leave blank

8th October, 2011, 11:04 AM
oh ok then, ill come clean, ive done that before aswell:aetsch:

what you brought a AD900 clone JUST for the traveling rug?

Fair enough, but did it work?


If your sending e-mails to the same people then set up a gmail account.

hotmail and yahoo release your isp address.

Rumor has it gmail scrablles your isp address.

Otherwise if they don't love you, then can check the addreess and see it from same computer

8th October, 2011, 12:50 PM
haha, nah buddy i didnt buy clone, i just meant i used the old fake address before on the odd chinese site. Ah MH, you know all the tricks, a true genuine crook if ive ever met one, jk,:top: lol

what you brought a AD900 clone JUST for the traveling rug?

Fair enough, but did it work?


If your sending e-mails to the same people then set up a gmail account.

hotmail and yahoo release your isp address.

Rumor has it gmail scrablles your isp address.

Otherwise if they don't love you, then can check the addreess and see it from same computer

8th October, 2011, 02:21 PM
Ah MH, you know all the tricks, a true genuine crook if ive ever met one, jk,:top: lol

Thanks for the compliment.
You will be pleased to know we get a number of compliments daily for our
"Office Of Unfair Trading" Certificate - rare as rocking horse doo to get hold of


8th October, 2011, 10:14 PM
MH, I have plenty computer and plenty different internet access methods at my disposal, just used one to send some ruff stuff to the pr!ck with the motorbike accross the road!!


8th October, 2011, 10:17 PM
MH, I have plenty computer and plenty different internet access methods at my disposal, just used one to send some ruff stuff to the pr!ck with the motorbike accross the road!!


intreasting, let you PM what you did - or email.

what does that USB device say when you plug it into a fresh computer?

As for motorbike, when we get this ice ice baby, could you put a bucket of water on end of his drive to fall off?

9th October, 2011, 10:50 AM
Hose pipe is ready M8................

Ill try on another pc later...........
