View Full Version : Writing E2prom Alfa edc16c8 via BDM. Help!

11th October, 2011, 07:12 PM
Hello, i try to immooff alfa 156 1.9 mjet with EDC16C8. I read good, but when i try to write EEProm 95160 i give error from BDM. And then read i see original eeprom.

After try to write i see this:

CMD ? Technologies srl - MPCProg

Ver. Dongle ID: 192 Date: 10/11/2011 9:03:22 PM
Firmware Revision V.01 SN: 0258
Mpc5xx family x00020020
PartNum: Mpc555/6 x00000030
EPEE Status: 1
Flash EEprom identified: 29BL802C
Family identified: BOSCH EDC16 AlfaRomeo/Fiat/Lancia
+12Vcc On
C:\Documents and Settings\Nikolay Nikolov\Desktop\alfa_eeprom_off
Programming Serial Eprom...
Mpc5xx family x00020020
PartNum: Mpc555/6 x00000030
EPEE Status: 1
Writing Block at 0000
Writing Block at 0100
Writing Block at 0200
Writing Block at 0300
Writing Block at 0400
Writing Block at 0500
Writing Block at 0600
Writing Block at 0700
Writing Block at 0800
Writing Block at 0900
Writing Block at 0A00
Writing Block at 0B00
Writing Block at 0C00
Writing Block at 0D00
Writing Block at 0E00
Writing Block at 0F00
Verifying Block at 0000
Verify Error
Total time: 00:17 sec.
Send errors report to CMD technical support

Wait Please
+12V OFF
Mpc5xx family x00020020
PartNum: Mpc555/6 x00000030
EPEE Status: 1
Flash EEprom identified: 29BL802C
Family identified: BOSCH EDC16 AlfaRomeo/Fiat/Lancia
+12Vcc On
Wait Please
+12V OFF

Help me. How to write eeprom? EEprom is located in another side on board.

11th October, 2011, 07:57 PM
desold and write with, for example, a willem gq-4x. Then resold it on pcb.

11th October, 2011, 08:54 PM
Very difficult, but i will try.

14th October, 2011, 03:34 AM
if you have right tools, it's not difficult to do ;)

14th October, 2011, 08:33 PM
Please immo off file for this ecu. I try with one dump, but when i put in diagnosys i not have programming data. But i not have and U1600 error for imobilizer and in actual parameter i have ECU Start permission: Not allowet. I think that car will not start. Here is original and immo off files.

I have one more question. Why read the file which is x2 bigger than memory?

16th October, 2011, 09:40 AM
what are you using to immo off with?

Please immo off file for this ecu. I try with one dump, but when i put in diagnosys i not have programming data. But i not have and U1600 error for imobilizer and in actual parameter i have ECU Start permission: Not allowet. I think that car will not start. Here is original and immo off files.

I have one more question. Why read the file which is x2 bigger than memory?

16th October, 2011, 04:42 PM
SCP ECU decoger.

16th October, 2011, 10:47 PM
SCP ECU decoger.

thanks buddy, where can I find this software?

17th October, 2011, 09:09 AM
I dont know. I buyed this software before 3 year from italia. But now i try to immooff without succes. In guide he write that this immooff function is function for recode ecu. How can i recode?

17th October, 2011, 12:08 PM
I dont know. I buyed this software before 3 year from italia. But now i try to immooff without succes. In guide he write that this immooff function is function for recode ecu. How can i recode?

sorry i dont know what you mean without seeing what it says but im guessing you will need diagnostic tool to do this. Do you have examiner? Have you ever had success with IMMO OFF and your software or just this one time it not work? Technically speaking, re-programming ecu with IMMO OFF could also be referred to as recoding so you have already done this but sorry hard to say without seeing what your reading

19th October, 2011, 08:27 AM
Yes i have success with more ECUs and this software. On this ecu when make immooff i connect via diagnostic equipment. In info center i see programing date XX/XX/XXXX. In Live data i see Engine Start Permission: Not allowet. The car maybe not start.

19th February, 2013, 10:59 PM
if you have right tools, it's not difficult to do ;)


How to open ecu? I can't write eprom with bdm, i can only desolder eprom, but i can't open.
