View Full Version : Immo off in audi a3 038906012BB - eeprom write protected?

9th March, 2012, 04:42 PM
Hi mates!!, how are you going?.

I'm trying to disable the immo in an audi a3, ecu ref: 038906012 BB, Bosch ref: 0281010123, the same as in this thread:

http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f178/need-solution-immo-off-audi-a3-tdi-edc15-178994/ (http://www.digital-kaos.co.uk/forums/f178/need-solution-immo-off-audi-a3-tdi-edc15-178994/)

But it's strange, I modified the two 60 bytes and when I try to write it with the xprogm, I get a writing error over 85%, when I try to read the 24c04 again, all is fine except the offsets that I have modified that now are FF instead of the original F3 and 73 respectively.

Ummm, I think that I have realized what is happening, please correct me if I'm wrong: looking in the datasheet, the 24c04 has a WP write protect pin that when it's connected to vcc the device is write protected, and if it is connected to gnd you can write it normally.

Now I'm not where the unit is, so I'll check later and report.

See you later mates.

12th March, 2012, 05:22 PM
Well, at the end I desoldered the memory and successfully modified it, so write protection problem out.

But, the thing is that with the double 60 modification the car worked for two or three hours (I don't know, but maybe 10 of 15 starts) and after it doesn't start up.

I need to cut any cable in this model?

I'm attaching here the original and modified one, later over 20:00 (UTM+0) I'll read the unit with MPPS in case that the memory content is needed.

Thanks for your help. Regards mashu.

13th March, 2012, 07:34 PM
Hi mates!

Here is the ecu content read with MPPS.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance. Peace, Mashu.

14th March, 2012, 06:03 PM
Hey mates, I'm here again!!.

I have just read the 24c04 memory again, and wow, it's completely different, it have a lot of changes compared to the original one, Whats going on?

Any idea?

Again, thanks in advance for your help!!

Cheers, Mashu.

15th March, 2012, 09:12 AM
Hi!, how things are going?

I've been looking in the forums, and someone said something about removing the immobox, I don't know if this model have one, but it seems that maybe the ecu program have to be patched to remove the immo check or something, its strange for me as this is the second a3 that I do and the first went ok only with the 24c04 modification.

I'm completely lost, I don't know how to continue with this unit ...

Anyway, I'll keep trying to find something, if someone have an idea ...
