View Full Version : Immo off 2.0 TFSI MED9.1

rocket ron
13th March, 2013, 11:59 PM
Hi can anyone help by immo off this 95160 from a Audi 2.0 TFSI MED9.1

Many Thanks to anyone who can help.

14th March, 2013, 06:43 AM
Not possible by EEPROM dump only. EEPROM is crypted from flash on MED9.1. Immo off only possible with EEPROM decrypt from flash via OBD2. Audi A4 Bosch RB8 dash?

rocket ron
14th March, 2013, 04:10 PM
Can anyone help!!

Audi 2.0 TFSI MED 9.1 Immo off.

Thanks to all


14th March, 2013, 07:05 PM
Can anyone help!!

Audi 2.0 TFSI MED 9.1 Immo off.

Thanks to all

your files now immo off

rocket ron
24th March, 2013, 05:29 AM
Many Thanks.
Do i need to write file back to the flash on the bench? I have swapped the data on 95160 and replaced ecu back on the car but cant communicate with ecu.
Alarm is active but didn't have problem when i read it.

Thanks R.R.

24th March, 2013, 10:10 PM
i need immo off too, please.

and check please Eeprom read out.
one with evc bdm100
and other with FGTech, there are some difference.


5th September, 2024, 03:15 AM
Help need immo off