View Full Version : Mb SLK start error

29th January, 2014, 05:29 PM

I have an SLK model 1998 petrol with ecu Bosch A 023 545 41 32 - 0 261 204 746 and with mcu Motorola 68HC11E9 . The problem is that the car in the dash writes START ERROR . First of all i don t have Star diagnosis . I have emulator CR1 but i can t personalize with the car . Is there any solution to clear start error in the dash and the car starts or any solution for emulator ready to start ?


29th January, 2014, 05:38 PM
Read HC11, set to virgin and get yourself Star diagnose to do adaption.

29th January, 2014, 06:16 PM
Thanks for your answer . I don t have Star . If i will make ecu virgin when i will swich on the ignition the car will start or not ?