View Full Version : digiprog 3 update

27th February, 2014, 12:30 PM
hello to all

i have the digiprog 3 , version 4.85, i looking for new version if anyone have it

please contact me if anyone can help me , i will pay

best regards

28th February, 2014, 08:12 AM
dont try, uptade clone dont work,you demage the dp

28th February, 2014, 09:09 AM
of course it will work if u have the right file.

28th February, 2014, 09:24 AM
thanks for answer

where i can take or order good and correct file? i don't need free

best regards

28th February, 2014, 09:47 AM
DIGIPROG 3 V4.88 Update Software (http://www.uobd2.net/wholesale/digiprog-3-v488-update-software.html)

28th February, 2014, 11:13 AM
i know friend for 4.88, i need newest , 4,90 and up


1st March, 2014, 12:40 AM
Don't we all?

1st March, 2014, 01:22 AM
If anyone have updatefiles I have found out how to change Serial. Please post or PM if you have.

1st March, 2014, 12:56 PM
Have compared update- flashfiles for many Serials. Only difference is 8 bytes.

Can anyone help me find algo?

Serial: 1D03C5090000 - 49 EC 8C EF 91 E7 34 9C
Serial: 590C8F0E0000 - 91 28 09 45 3B A9 75 B1
Serial: 958BAD0B0000 - 23 7B E1 DE 6A 8D 30 07
Serial: BA4101688103 - 7F E0 76 6C 31 34 60 BF
Serial: C32C8E070000 - 4F 6E EC 17 86 CC AE 27
Serial: EB0FAD0B0000 - 69 79 E7 C9 F6 8C E0 39

1st March, 2014, 01:22 PM
Only difference is 8 bytes...... correct ....but if it was easy don't you think everyone would be able to do it by now ..lol

1st March, 2014, 01:35 PM
Only difference is 8 bytes...... correct ....but if it was easy don't you think everyone would be able to do it by now ..lol

Well, at least it worked for me.
Used the bytes from my original flashfile in updatefile for another Serial.. But would be easier to calkulate bytes instead of desolder flash

1st March, 2014, 01:50 PM
so you removed the 28f800 's .. and cut and pasted the last 8 bytes of the Digi1 file into an updated file with a different serial ...? :roflmao: ..... why did I not think of that ....

1st March, 2014, 02:58 PM
As, for sure, many people had the same conclusion, just need one 4.88 file
and do the cooking...
Cheaper to dessolde/solder the chips than buy an update :dog:

1st March, 2014, 04:16 PM
so you removed the 28f800 's .. and cut and pasted the last 8 bytes of the Digi1 file into an updated file with a different serial ...? :roflmao: ..... why did I not think of that ....
Yes, that's what I did. Easyest solution is usually the best.. Who is laughing now? :cheer: But would still be easier to others to find out how to calkulate serials.

1st March, 2014, 07:48 PM
I am still laughing mate ... coz I did that 2 years ago .. guess what ? it doesn't work and I'll bet you an update on that :).. serial is another two places ..".But would still be easier to others to find out how to calkulate serials."

Now why would it be easier? takes ten minuites to remove cut and past and replace ...only reason it would be easier would be so you could sell the updates lol

1st March, 2014, 09:04 PM
I have no interest in selling updates or anything else, I live in Norway and make enough Money in my workshop.

I know Serial is stored more Places in Digiprog, but that doesent matter if you have the right Serial in Digi1.bin.

Why is this solution working in mine??

2nd March, 2014, 09:42 AM
Well, at least it worked for me.
Used the bytes from my original flashfile in updatefile for another Serial.. But would be easier to calkulate bytes instead of desolder flash

Is there anyone brave to test? :)

2nd March, 2014, 04:09 PM
Lmao. Even a monkey would put a checksum on it. I somehow think this won't work....

2nd March, 2014, 07:25 PM
Lmao. Even a monkey would put a checksum on it. I somehow think this won't work....

Well, maybe I was just Lucky. But cant you update cheksum With programmer?

2nd March, 2014, 07:31 PM
Well, maybe I was just Lucky. But cant you update cheksum With programmer?

Yes if you know how to calculate it ;)

3rd March, 2014, 09:29 AM
i don't need the how can i make a update , crack it or clone ... i only looking for new update and i will pay

best regards

3rd March, 2014, 05:37 PM
Did not work for 4.88, different encryption in Serial..