View Full Version : Renault clio 2 sagem s2000rpm immo off

26th April, 2015, 07:59 AM
Hy all mates, i tried every dump from forums ecuvonix, and i made some off by my self, car wont start. i need a 100% tested solution.
Thanks in advance

ind mod n
1169 176619
car just didnt wont'd to start after he turned off, red light flash all the time

26th April, 2015, 03:58 PM
impossible immo off for this model ecu

26th April, 2015, 08:46 PM
So what is problem when immo light flash all the time?
Simptom like when ecu is not wake up because of relay or some wiring, but everything seems ok.

26th April, 2015, 09:12 PM
does immo light flash faster when ignition turned on? if yes, then follow this rule from most probable cause

1: faulty key

2: faulty reader module

3: faulty uch

4: wiring

26th April, 2015, 09:17 PM
nooooo, i now all of that... immo light stay on all the time. car just turned off regulary, then next ignition wont start.

26th April, 2015, 11:41 PM
nooooo, i now all of that... immo light stay on all the time. car just turned off regulary, then next ignition wont start.

More info is needed, first make diag on ecu, than immo/uch.
If diag dont connect to ecu, test the fuel cut off switch ( push button under the hood ).
If this all is ok, make diag ecu on table,
And so on till you Find fault.

Wbr Adam.