View Full Version : Alfa GT 1.8 immo off

10th September, 2015, 07:39 PM
i need to immo off this ecu 0261208672 ME 7.3.1

i use ME7_95040 tool to read eeprom

need immo off not virgin, need to read also flash?

any help please

14th September, 2015, 09:31 AM
I'm not aware that you can do immo off in the EEPROM. Virgin, yes, but not immo off.
Read flash and post here and see if you can get some help.

15th September, 2015, 10:53 PM
here is flash

Thanks for help

16th September, 2015, 02:54 PM
Try this file and report. Not tested so it might not work.


16th September, 2015, 08:14 PM
The checksum might be wrong in the previous file. Try this one also.


16th September, 2015, 08:21 PM

Here is a solution for total immo off. It is to be done on the bench but I would try it first with serial and see if it works.


Here are the instructions:
1) Click on Save and unpack the .zip archive

2) Connect the serial interface as follows:
KLine = P53
-12V = P24, P25, P49
+ 12V = P15,16,32,47,48
Pin 20 = Boot Mode (GND)

3) To enable the programming put
in Boot Mode (GND) the P20 for 3 seconds

4) Program with a file according to
the displacement of the car.

And here is the file:

Do not forget to disconnect the immo box.

Try it and let us know results.

Best Regards

16th September, 2015, 08:47 PM
Those are the files from IUD3.2. They are always posted when someone asks for ME7.3.1 immo off files.
It is possible that they work for some cars, but I have never seen that they actually do.

It would be interesting to hear if someone have had sucess with them, and on what Alfa/model/engine.