View Full Version : 2014 odyssey clear file dump

13th September, 2015, 02:46 AM
2014 honda odyssey,,,,,,,, 77960-tk8-a220 ,,,Does anybody have clear FLASH+EPROM file crypted or not for smok programmer. I want to write from back of module as the smok diagram shows but i do not have the dump. please help thanks

rafal ptaszek
13th September, 2015, 08:09 AM
paas too p m :)

13th September, 2015, 02:44 PM
thanks friend , I try to write this dump as flash + eeprom - no crypto and then smok asks for eeprom file, is the eeprom file part of this? I installed module but get no communications. . thanks for helping

rafal ptaszek
13th September, 2015, 08:07 PM
send file to MIrek Dudek hi change file and then you will be able wirte this file:)

16th September, 2015, 02:55 PM
Does anybody have a good contact for smok? I emailed at info@smok 5 days ago and still no reply.

16th September, 2015, 05:22 PM
SMOK J TAG support SUCKS , I purchased renesas ACTIVATION long time ago, files does not works must of them got no communication, and then they send me only HONDA AND SUBARU FILES , no Toyota, I sent like 20 mails never reply A MONTH LATER, I made a complaint want to return item by paypal, the replay in one hour...they sent me files, but does not work,,, I don't know now, if they fixed, never get mails from them for new files, or t=explain the fixed files, EVEN THEY DONT HAVE ALL CONNECTIONS PICTURES, ITS BETTER RENELIGHT THEY UPDATE, FILES SOME DOES NOT WORKS BUT , they fixed when they update ..

17th September, 2015, 12:13 AM
I agree , this is not the first time i'm trying to get support .