View Full Version : MSV80 used DME programming

MV auto
5th January, 2016, 02:48 AM
Hey guys!
might need a little help here!
I have that 2007 bmw 328xi I am trying to install a used DME on it (MSV80) but turns out to be way longer that I imagine.
Using AVDI, I have achieve to read 16 bytes ISN from original DME and second hand DME but not able to read 16 byte ISN from CAS. (can read the 4 bytes one easily)
I have read eeprom and flash from CAS manually, and I did found the 4 bytes ISN and 16 bytes ISN.
so changed the 16 bytes ISN but it is still a no start.
I did program the vehicle with ISTA-P since I now had many weird fault code in DME since the ISN reading procedure. I now have a DME which is up to date, and the VIN had been match at the same time... + no more weird fault code. just the one saying EWS manipulation in DME. try obviously to synchronize CAS/DME without success. (says ISN mismatch with AVDI)

as I understood, the place where I change the 16 bytes ISN in CAS have, first of all, a checksum after those 16 bytes, but also, maybe it would repeat itself but in an encrypted form. (not confirm, but someone told me this and it would make sense.)

so I am wondering if anybody can help with my CAS dump to match it to my "new" DME?

thanks guys!

MV auto
14th April, 2016, 08:27 PM
same request again guys! (on a different car)
my up to date original AVDI can't read or write 16b ISN into CAS3 on a 2007 bmw 323i with MSV80. (I replace the DME which was no com.)
I have read CAS3 manually, and achieve to read ISN on second hand MSV80 with AVDI.

here is new ISN: 79 F8 42 41 BC 52 C9 91 0D DC 77 35 AD C5 51 FC

I guess old ISN would be: 74 B8 8D D7 2E 21 C5 51 D4 59 F7 34 A5 D1 95 75

address of ISN is at xBBC to xBCB with a checksum at BCC but there seem to be an encryption just after at BD0 to BF4 or in those area.
I'll try to just write 16b ISN+cs but I doubt it will work.

if someone can correct my dump so I could finish the job today, it would be greatly appreciated.
many thanks!

14th April, 2016, 08:32 PM
with AVDI for 16b CAS ISN use only offline version (for now) as their server looks like running with AMD with no cooler.........

MV auto
14th April, 2016, 09:23 PM
lol @ amd w/out cooler!!!
I already tried on bench with old AVDI version without success... I'll try on vehicle.

MV auto
14th April, 2016, 09:41 PM
ok, I tried first to write 16b isn manually with a 8b checksum after...
no start... than try to align cas/dme, still no start.
wrote back original eeprom, try to read 16b ISN in cas in offline bmw commander, said failed to initialize. (tried key on and key off outside ignition, same result) also, I am able to read 4 bytes isn easily, and I am able to enter CAS special mode for key (read key data via OBD in CAS eeprom memory)
someone have an idea why it isn't working?
or even better, someone can correct my original dump?