View Full Version : Mazda 3 Airbag BHN9-57K30A crash on two cars HELP NEEDED PLS.

20th January, 2016, 08:59 AM
Hello !!

I need help with two dumps with crash from Mazda 3 with same Airbag ECU BHN9-57K30A :
1. Mazda 3 2015 2.0L Sedan BHN9-57K30A
2. Mazda 3 2014 2.5L Hatchback BHN9-57K30A

I try few solution (including pay one) on few cleared dumps airbag light go off on instrument cluster even I disconnect all airbags and seat belt tensioners.

Maybe someone have working solution on this Airbag ECU and can help , because I don't know what do next.
Any help will be appreciated .

Best Regards