View Full Version : Help generate Key dump MB W210

20th April, 2016, 05:49 PM
Anyone can help me create 2 key dumps for the attatched MCU file from w210 EIS?
I have original abrites with MB key prog function, but can get it to work after last update.
I use abprog and the function DAS 3 programming. Key is generated ok, but no chance to save it as far as I can see, and when I try program new key it asks for load dump...
Maybe Im stupid, but there must be something I missed.
If someone can help me generate key files, I will write them with my old AK500. database harddisk for thatone seem to have died...
Not my lucky day.

Thx in advance


20th April, 2016, 06:36 PM

21st April, 2016, 12:39 PM
when AVDI calculates keys, it does not give any option to save etc with new sofe, but all key files are automatically saved as a RAR in my documents/ avid folder / mercedes.

go there and you will find all key files (even if you only selected 1 key)