View Full Version : Toyota Verso 65 problem

17th March, 2017, 09:29 PM
Hello guys,

I changed a Verso 2015 93c66 the other day with Diagprog 3

After I changed the mileage the dash changed to km's for some reason, but I didn't notice so I left the job as the value showing was the value I wrote only it was in km not miles?

Customer phoned to tell me it is now in km, so I told him to change it on the buttons, but he said it won't change on the buttons/dash?

Anyone had this before ? Any solutions?


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17th March, 2017, 11:17 PM
Nope never had that happen, but put the original dump back in then change it manually. :)

17th March, 2017, 11:30 PM
Sounds like dp3 has changed some data wrong put original file back in and use smelecom to change again

18th March, 2017, 12:35 AM
Cheers will try that

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