View Full Version : Need some help. Komatsu wa480-5H need to change the miles.

21st March, 2017, 04:35 PM
Hello everyone. It is very urgent for my work. Please take some time to help with that.
Sincere thanks and respect.

Komatsu wa480-5H Japan. Year 2004.
The eeprom 93c86s is read by a minipro.
Current time: 10474.5 Hr
Mil present: 56346.1 Km.

Please help me:
New time: 7537 Hr
New Km: 14979 Km.

The attached file is the original eeprom 93c86 file.


Thank you and expect a help from all. good health.

22nd March, 2017, 03:01 AM
Has reloaded the attachment .... please a help !!!

22nd March, 2017, 07:49 AM
try this..............

22nd March, 2017, 07:49 AM
thanks so much nikz.... i love you!!!