View Full Version : Mini 13 CAS3 + Abrites failed to downgrade ISTAp 45, car no longer works ...

29th June, 2017, 12:34 PM
Hello fellows!

I have a problem. Mini Cooper, 2013, CAS3 +. Abrites called for ISTAp45 demotion, but when the process ends, he asks again and again. I removed CAS3 + and read your eeprom and flash. Can someone take a look and help me find a solution for the vehicle to work again ??


29th June, 2017, 02:26 PM
Your Cas Dump is good! You need Ista/P to reprogram or find another flash...

auto explorer
29th June, 2017, 09:00 PM
password sent in PM

29th June, 2017, 09:20 PM
Did you make BDM backup before!????