View Full Version : Ducati Dashboards

1st December, 2018, 08:36 PM
This is my first post proper. Have spent a number of hours reading through the numerous useful posts on the forum. So thanks for those.
Have been involved in reflashing Ducati ECUs for a number of years. I have also been able to clone Ducati chipped keys using a Zed-Bull. Recently I was asked about the standalone immo boxes IMM006 and had no knowledge of them. That led to the purchase of an Advanced Scooter Workshop tool. As a result I could now identify transponder codes and virginise the immo boxes. Someone then asked me about Dashboards. A bit of internet searching lead to the purchase of a Coright Skypro and I built a Test Clip using a Pomona SOIC clip. I then bought some broken Ducati Dashes off ebay to experiment on. I am now able to identify the transponder codes, convert them to be flashed to T5 transponders and identify the bypass code. I am struggling with how the miles/kms and checksum are calculated. I have tried reading through past posts but am struggling to understand.

One of the dashes I bought off ebay appears to be virgin. It was from a Monster 620 and uses the 24C02 chip. I have attached the dump if it is of use to anyone.

I also have a virgin 749/999 dump. I had great problems getting the Pomona clip to connect to the 24LC16 chip. It is definitely a contact issue as the clip works perfectly on other dashes. I am going to try some individual clips to see if I can connect. Again I have attached the dump for anyone to use.

Any advice/guidance would be greatly appreciated.

1st December, 2018, 11:14 PM

1st December, 2018, 11:16 PM
edit: no thanks, no resp = post clear