View Full Version : Tacho Swap from 8L0920900F to 8L0920930F

12th May, 2019, 02:43 PM
Hi Guys,

has somebody already done this ?
And how is it possible to do it ?
I have some tools like - AVDI, VCDS, VAG TACHO.

This shitty K-Line Jaeger Tacho is defective and I want tho change it to an S3 8L with FIS.

thanks in advance!

13th May, 2019, 10:30 AM
Never did it,
The IMMO data and millage is stored in the 912DG128 microcontroller.
If you read just the EEPROM data of the chip, and copie it to the other dash shut work.
But perform a backup before!!!
The rest should be possible to code and adapt via VCDS.

But as I told you, I never did it by myself.
I would be happy If you can share your experiance afterwards.