View Full Version : Passat CC 2015 Adapt VIN ECU Immo V EDC17C64

19th December, 2019, 04:28 PM
I have an 2015 Passat CC, it's an "Immo IV & V hybrid".
Comfort Module / Kessy and ELV is Immo IV and ECU (EDC17C64) is Immo V.

I need to change the VIN in ECU (Immo V) but it just doesnt seem to work.
ELV and Comfort Module is correct vin.

ECU is correct 16 Byte CS/MAC etc., just wrong VIN.

AVDI / VVDI can only adapt Immo IV for VW Ecu

I tried to change vin in ECU eeprom manually in boot mode with K-Tag, but the VIN changes back to old vin after a while.
Also tried to use AVDI clone tool and VVDI eeprom exchange to fix eeprom to correct vin, but it also goes back to wrong VIN.

Someone knows about this issue with Immo V ECU and VIN changing back?
Is an Immo part maybe in Flash?
All exchange tools only change eeprom.

Thank you guys for any help,

2nd January, 2020, 07:53 PM

Is a new ECU the only solution?

2nd January, 2020, 08:37 PM
If give Me files from ECU and query form CANBUS -> immo ID from ECU , I'll check if I can synchronize these modules ...

8th January, 2020, 11:35 AM
Thank you for your reply.
Sorry but what do you mean by query from canbus?

I got Comfort Module and EDC17 Dump, also I have AVDI, VVDI, VCDS to read out stuff.

I think the Immo ID, like used in old WFS versions, in "WFS 4.5" is just "0000000000" but I will check.

8th January, 2020, 12:19 PM
Thank you for your reply.
Sorry but what do you mean by query from canbus?

I got Comfort Module and EDC17 Dump, also I have AVDI, VVDI, VCDS to read out stuff.

I think the Immo ID, like used in old WFS versions, in "WFS 4.5" is just "0000000000" but I will check.

get me ecu dump. should be possible to change just in eep there. vin is in two parts in newer edc17. one visible, one crypted.

8th January, 2020, 12:43 PM
get me ecu dump. should be possible to change just in eep there. vin is in two parts in newer edc17. one visible, one crypted.

In the attachment is the current dump with vin changed by avdi, vin is changing back to wrong one.

Vin needs to be
Wrong vin is

Also attaching the first dump I made where the vin is still and I made no changes yet.

Thank you very much

8th January, 2020, 01:21 PM
This seems to be still the older version without the second vin. very strange. Your passat CC has all locations changed, i dont know why it would jump back. I have only seen that on newer ones with the second crypted vin. If all in eeprom is written correctly, then where comes the VIN from ?

10th January, 2020, 03:15 AM
This seems to be still the older version without the second vin. very strange. Your passat CC has all locations changed, i dont know why it would jump back. I have only seen that on newer ones with the second crypted vin. If all in eeprom is written correctly, then where comes the VIN from ?

Thanks for checking.
I dont know, 2015 Passat CC immo parts are : ECU, Comfort Module (kessy), ELV
Vin is also in instrumentcluster.

All are correct but VCDS extended ident shows wrong vin, ECU also changes back to wrong vin.
If there was a spoof module between ecu and gateway ECU vin wouldnt change back, no?

So has to be in flash of ECU or really an module installed inside the car?

If I put the ECU in another car (just checked on 2014 skoda) the vin wont change and stays/displays correct.