View Full Version : 03/04 GMT-800(silverado and so on) Firmware.

22nd October, 2020, 07:00 PM
Ok so I posted about a month ago asking for help well now I figured it out for the 03/04. I was able read and write to the MCU on the 03/04 boards. I did a full video on it here: https://youtu.be/G0HPysDnCD4

Here is the write up though. you have to pull P0L.4 and RD down to ground. that puts it into bsl. ( you pull it down before a reset and hold until you do the reset)

then us a com port or usb to com adapter on the TX/RX pins of the MCU. Using minimon ( free software) you set the baud rate to 9600 or slower ( the MCU is Autobaud) using the c161JI_16f settings, Initialize register syscon 0400, remove the activate for the program flash, use the C161xx32cd.hex driver for the program flash, Full kernel, and boom it works. I have so Bins/ Intel hex file I pulled off a few on my github https://github.com/garnerm91/0304-mcu I have a few more on my other computer I need to upload soon.

Hope this helps some people make some Custom OS's and stuff. Plus this will let you replace failed MCU's and add/remove steering wheel controls for free.