View Full Version : EDC17CP20 Problem

2nd March, 2021, 09:19 PM
I have a problem with EDC17CP20 A5 2.0 tdi
The customer brought me an ECU with damaged long support coding, reading possible Ktag protocol only 165, I read the code off on the table and after uploading the engine does not light up information about the ESP and Handbrake error.
Maybe someone can help

2nd March, 2021, 09:23 PM
Maybe you damaged the ecu when you opened it? Try connecting a diagnostic tool to see if you have communication with ecu and if you have any dtc's in there, I'm sure that the diagnostic tool should show you what the problem is and why the car is not starting, most likely the ecu is bricked somehow

2nd March, 2021, 09:26 PM
Łączy się idealnie i nie ma błędu bo odiss sprawdzam na stole, mam wtyczki. Trochę to nie jest normalne bo auto z 2014 roku powinno być odblokowane protokołem TPROOT 422, ale nie działa

2nd March, 2021, 09:27 PM
It connects perfectly and there is no error because I check the odiss on the table, I have plugs. It's a bit not normal because the car from 2014 should be TPROOT 422 protocol to be unlocked but it does not work

2nd March, 2021, 09:27 PM
Łączy się idealnie i nie ma błędu bo odiss sprawdzam na stole, mam wtyczki. Trochę to nie jest normalne bo auto z 2014 roku powinno być odblokowane protokołem TPROOT 422, ale nie działa
English please

2nd March, 2021, 09:32 PM
Try writing ori and see what happens

2nd March, 2021, 09:36 PM
It just doesn't work

2nd March, 2021, 09:37 PM
Backup doesn't either

2nd March, 2021, 09:40 PM
This week I did three and they all work and this is somewhat resistant

2nd March, 2021, 09:40 PM
Sorry, don't have any ideas then, maybe other forum members will have any thoughts on this problem

2nd March, 2021, 11:14 PM
No advice on this problem

3rd March, 2021, 12:19 AM
Try to make an Ecu R-Flash With odis ... this will solve your problem.
a question when placing the module in the vehicle does it trigger the fan when turning on the key?

3rd March, 2021, 08:42 AM
This is how it starts the fan after turning the key

3rd March, 2021, 10:00 AM
Hi Friend. Well, when the coding was launched, something was already happening. It could spill it out completely when reading it. And when you connect it to the car, do you communicate with it?

3rd March, 2021, 11:17 AM
Just in the car, only the fan turns on and there is no communication with the ECU

3rd March, 2021, 04:52 PM
you have problems with the module, it crashed for some reason or burned for some short
try to recover online with odis i got an amarok v6 that gave the same problem and i managed to restore with odis ...
if it doesn't work there is only another module

3rd March, 2021, 04:53 PM
you have problems with the module, it crashed for some reason or burned for some short
try to recover online with odis i got an amarok v6 that gave the same problem and i managed to restore with odis ...
if it doesn't work there is only another module

3rd March, 2021, 06:15 PM
In that month I did about 20 tunings on this controller and everything works. And here with the usual coding of the assistance, such troubles, but the problem is that it does not connect in the car, the ABS pump is on and the fan on the ESP board, falty and the hand brake

3rd March, 2021, 08:28 PM
Well, I would check the power and masses if they are good. But I bet it is damaged. In the box under the hood there are connection cubes. This is a common malfunction. When you check with the meter, the voltage is ok, but the information on the oscilloscope does not flow. And for this you also do not have communication with him in the car

3rd March, 2021, 11:32 PM
They just seem to be thanks, but the problem will be in the ABS pump, hard reset tomorrow and we'll see what happens

3rd March, 2021, 11:33 PM
The ECU is 100% good because I took the immo and checked in A4 it works, start it drives

4th March, 2021, 02:55 AM
Well, from what you wrote, how you connected normally on the table, I was sure that the driver was alive. Maybe the abs is disturbing the can. Unplug the plug and see if there will be communication with the controller