View Full Version : Can somebody check my immo off please?

10th January, 2022, 03:33 PM

I've just managed to get my 1st successful read using ktag. I've had a go at sorting out the immobiliser but I'd be grateful if somebody could check my efforts before I write it back to the ecu.

Ecu details:
Alfa GT 150 JTDm (2006)
HW: 0281012883
SW: 1037386726

Immo off using AETool and checked using HEXCmp...I see 2 adjacent bytes changed from 01 to 00 so I'm guessing they are software switches of some sort???

If I've done things right, what's my next step...do I just plug the ecu into the car, code the injectors then off I go or is there another step like disconnecting the ignition lock key receiver??? It's all a bit mind boggling at the moment but I'll keep plugging away at it until it all sinks in lol.

The file is actually a .7z but I had to add the .rar extension so I could upload it.

Many thanks in advance :)

10th January, 2022, 07:14 PM
post ori...............
off looks ok but need to be done checksum as well
- nothing need to be disconnected

11th January, 2022, 05:13 PM
post ori...............
off looks ok but need to be done checksum as well
- nothing need to be disconnected

Hi Rafal, thanks for replying.

I opened the file as a new project in WinOLS then exported it so WinOLS would correct the checksums. I've written it to the ECU so I guess all I need to do now is plug it into the test car, update the injector codes and I should be good to go :)

One thing I'm not sure about though...the software I used to do the immo off was in a foreign language so I don't know if I've permanently disabled the immobiliser or just virginised it lol. Any ideas?

11th January, 2022, 05:15 PM
Oops I forgot to post the Ori...

11th January, 2022, 05:23 PM
here ready to write :)