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    Default An Unusual and Problematic Range Rover Hybrid

    Here's my story, its sad but true,
    It's about a car that I once knew........

    Actually the car belongs to a friend of mine, and he has just got it back from being 'repaired'.

    The repair process took 18 months. Apparently it was all due to two failed smart cells in the hybrid battery. Now, I imagine many who have read so far will wonder why the repair took 18 months, and possibly are about to suggest that my friend should have taken the car to a company who were proficient in this type of vehicle. Well, it was in the hands of Land Rover for the entirety of the repair process.....

    The next question I imagine people will want answering is the model of the vehicle. That is a harder question than you may imagine, it is a 2014 3ltr diesel hybrid, 7 seat. As far as its actual designation is concerned, it was a concept vehicle that was bought from Land Rover Special Vehicle Operations and never went into production.

    So eventually the problem was located and the two smart cells repaired, and the vehicle returned to my friend on the back of a truck. Unfortunately in the time the car was off the road, the batteries were allowed to discharge fully and when my friend tried to start the car, there were all kinds of errors. He used a generic OBD reader to read and clear the codes, but still he was getting errors. He knows I have an Autocom clone system, and so he asked if I would attempt to clear the errors so he can send it for an MOT. He has lost all faith in the vehicle, and just wants to get it sold, but he needs to get it MOTd before he can move it or sell it or do anything with it at all...

    Unfortunately the Land Rover dealer who was trying to repair the car also tried to update the software with the latest service pack. But the ECU software is not stock either, and so the update failed. We have no idea if that is leading to the current issues, but thought I would mention it, just in case.

    So yesterday, we got the Autocom to connect and read all the faults. and cleared them down. But the range reduced error is still showing on the dashboard. Land Rovers solution was to pull the ECU fuse, wait for an hour and then reinsert the fuse. While the fuse was removed, the fault was gone, when the fuse was reinserted, the fault returned.

    I have attached a report from the Autocom in case you guys have any ideas. Today, We went back to have another look and see if we could work out how to clear these errors, but were faced with a different situation. Now when we tried to connect the autocom, we get system conflicts which need to be resolved before we go any further. but all the system options that are in conflict appear to be the same system, and I cannot select either of the two identical options to move forward. I have included a screenshot of this.autocom.jpg

    Outside air temperature sensor 16 °C
    Power feeding position Ignition on
    Total distance 93604 km
    U0405 - Invalid data received from speed control module
    - Event information
    - Intermittent
    Calculated load 100 %
    Counter 1: Started operation cycles since
    the fault was last active
    Counter 2: Confirmed faultless operation
    cycles since the fault was last active
    Counter 3: All operating cycles since the
    fault was found for the first time
    Counter 4: Confirmed duty cycles with
    active fault
    MECU supply voltage 6.00 Volt
    Outside air temperature sensor 12 °C
    Fault codes
    Mechanic: ME
    Date: 24/01/2024
    Car licence no: DEAN
    Vehicle: Land Rover - Range Rover Sport [L494] - 2014
    Autocom Cars CDP+ | Release 2021 (2021.11) code4bin | VCI: 100251 1
    Power feeding position Combustion engine
    Total distance 93604 km
    0481 - Unknown fault code
    P0700 - Transmission control system MIL request circuit
    - No symptom
    - Intermittent
    Calculated load 75 %
    Counter 1: Started operation cycles since
    the fault was last active
    Counter 2: Confirmed faultless operation
    cycles since the fault was last active
    Counter 3: All operating cycles since the
    fault was found for the first time
    Counter 4: Confirmed duty cycles with
    active fault
    MECU supply voltage 10.50 Volt
    Outside air temperature sensor 7 °C
    Power feeding position Combustion engine
    Total distance 93604 km
    Brake (ABS - ABS control module)
    DTC Description
    500F - Unknown fault code
    U3006 - Control module input power A
    - ---
    External temperature -40 °C
    U0001 - High Speed CAN Communication Bus
    - ---
    External temperature 215 °C
    C1B02 - Return pump circuit
    - ---
    External temperature 12 °C
    Brake (PBM - Parking brake control module)
    DTC Description
    U0001 - High Speed CAN Communication Bus
    - ---
    Autocom Cars CDP+ | Release 2021 (2021.11) code4bin | VCI: 100251 2
    U3006 - Control module input power A
    - ---
    Instrument (IPC - Instrument cluster control module)
    DTC Description
    U0001 - High Speed CAN Communication Bus
    - ---
    Gearbox (GSM - Gear shift module)
    DTC Description
    U3003 - Battery voltage
    - ---
    Gearbox (TCCM - Transfer case control module)
    DTC Description
    U3003 - Battery voltage
    - ---
    U0001 - High Speed CAN Communication Bus
    - ---
    Gearbox (TCM - Transmission control module)
    DTC Description
    P0562 - System Voltage Low
    - ---
    Ambient air temperature -22 º C
    External temperature 12 º C
    Global real time 1882537546 Milli seconds
    Main engine control module voltage supply 8.75 V
    Total distance --- km
    U0001 - High Speed CAN Communication Bus
    - ---
    Ambient air temperature -18 º C
    External temperature 12 º C
    Global real time 1882534044 Milli seconds
    Autocom Cars CDP+ | Release 2021 (2021.11) code4bin | VCI: 100251 3
    Main engine control module voltage supply 11.25 V
    Total distance --- km
    0A90 - Unknown fault code
    Restraints (RCM - Restraints control module)
    DTC Description
    U3003 - Battery voltage
    - ---
    Global real time 4294967295 sec
    In-car temperature 215 °C
    Main engine control module voltage supply 63.75 Volt
    Total distance 16777215 km
    U0001 - High Speed CAN Communication Bus
    - ---
    Global real time 4294967295 sec
    In-car temperature 215 °C
    Main engine control module voltage supply 63.75 Volt
    Total distance 16777215 km
    Restraints (SPMA - Safetybelt pretensioner control module A - Drivers side
    (Safety belt pretensioner control module A - Drivers side))
    DTC Description
    U3006 - Control module input power A
    - ---
    Restraints (SPMB - Safetybelt pretensioner control module B - Passengers
    side (Safety belt pretensioner control module B -passengers side))
    DTC Description
    U3006 - Control module input power A
    - ---
    Multifunction (ATCM - All terrain control module (Terrain control module))
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Autocom Cars CDP+ | Release 2021 (2021.11) code4bin | VCI: 100251 4
    Multifunction (BCM - Body Control Module)
    DTC Description
    B102B - Passive key
    - ---
    External temperature 9 º C
    Global real time 836568576 sec
    In-car temperature 0 º C
    Main engine control module voltage supply 10.50 V
    903C - Unknown fault code
    B1B33 - Target identification transfer
    - ---
    External temperature 215 º C
    Global real time 4292675174 sec
    In-car temperature 9 º C
    Main engine control module voltage supply 11.50 V
    U0001 - High Speed CAN Communication Bus
    - ---
    External temperature 215 º C
    Global real time 4292675174 sec
    In-car temperature 9 º C
    Main engine control module voltage supply 11.75 V
    Multifunction (CCM - Speed control module)
    DTC Description
    U0300 - Internal Control Module Software Incompatibility
    - ---
    U0423 - Invalid data received from instrument panel control module
    - ---
    Multifunction (CHCM - Chassis control module (Control module chassis))
    DTC Description
    U3003 - Battery voltage
    - ---
    Autocom Cars CDP+ | Release 2021 (2021.11) code4bin | VCI: 100251 5
    U0001 - High Speed CAN Communication Bus
    - ---
    Multifunction (DDM - Driver's door module (Driver Door Module))
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (DSM - Driver's seat module (Drivers seat module))
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (GWM - Gateway module)
    DTC Description
    P065B - Generator Control Circuit Range/Performance
    - ---
    B13C5 - Secondary battery
    - ---
    Multifunction (HCM - Headlamp control module (Headlamp Control Module
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (HCMB - Headlamp control module "B")
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (PDM - Passenger's door module (Passenger Door Module))
    DTC Description
    Autocom Cars CDP+ | Release 2021 (2021.11) code4bin | VCI: 100251 6
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (PSCM - Power steering Control Module)
    DTC Description
    U3001 - Control module improper shutdown
    - ---
    Multifunction (PSM - Passenger's seat module (Passenger seat module))
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (RFA - Keyless vehicle module)
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (RGTM - Rear gate/trunk module (Rear gate module))
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (RLSM - Left rear seat control module)
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (RRSM - Right rear seat control module)
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Multifunction (SASM - Steering angle sensor)
    DTC Description
    Autocom Cars CDP+ | Release 2021 (2021.11) code4bin | VCI: 100251 7
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    ADAS (PAM - Parking assist control module)
    DTC Description
    No fault codes
    Autocom Cars CDP+ | Release 2021 (2021.11) code4bin | VCI: 100251 8
    Last edited by PhilWainwright; 25th January, 2024 at 02:49 PM. Reason: adding a fault report, typo

  2. #2
    Junior Member

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    Range reduced? Hmm… I’d check that hybrid battery. If they mixed old and new cells, could be a problem. Same if the cells aren’t balanced. BMS?
    Did they chance the whole battery or just exchanged cells?
    Last edited by CasMo; 14th April, 2024 at 07:17 PM.



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